SDC Activities in London


The captions and images shown below give an idea of activities and special events held at our SDC centre in London. Our main contribution in parishes mainly involves running catechism groups but other activities are held throughout the year for other groups for young people and adults.



SDC Superior General Natalino Camilleri visited our London Centre at the end of December through to the first week of January. Apart from our discussions in our community we also had the opportunity to spend a weekend away at a Retreat Centre in Sandymount, Liverpool.

consecrated life

Year of Consecrated Life Meetings 2015

On the occasion of the year of the Consecrated Life, the SDC Friends meetings were about saints who were members of a religious order such as St Augustine, St Therese of Lisieux, St Ignatius and others. This groups meets on the second Friday of each month at the SDC House in Upper Norwood. Meetings usually include Bible reflection and meditation, prayer time and discussion about the chosen theme.

youth group

SDC Youth Group

Our SDC Youth Group started meeting again after the August break. We meet twice a month on a Sunday afternoon in the parish hall at the Holy Rosary Parish in Brixton, London. Most of the young people who attend are also part of one of the Confirmation groups of the parish. They engage in a range of activities, indoor games as well as discussion time.

The Echo - Newsletter for Catechists


In September 2015 the first issue of ‘The ECHO’ was issued. This termly newsletter aims at providing parish catechists and teachers of RE in schools some support in terms of reflections, ideas, useful resources they can use and so on. The Newsletter’s name was inspired by the very meaning of the word ‘Catechist’ which refers to someone who echoes a message they heard from someone else. As catechists we try to echo Jesus’ message to others. The ECHO is distributed to local catechists and mailed to a number of parishes but there is also an online version anyone can download from our website


Christian Initiation for Children

The RCIC group at St Andrew’s parish this year is meeting on Tuesday nights. This group is for children who are above the normal First Holy Communion age who come together to prepare for Baptism, First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Parents attend and take part in each session with a view that they can help and support their children at home as they prepare for these three important sacraments.