SDC Activities in London


The captions and images shown below give an idea of activities and special events held at our SDC centre in London. Our main contribution in parishes mainly involves running catechism groups but other activities are held throughout the year for other groups for young people and adults.


Weekend retreat

On the last weekend of August five SDC members, four of whom are currently working or studying in the UK gathered for a reflection weekend at Turvey Abbey, Bedfordhire. This was a good time to stop from daily routine and spend quiet time in the stillness of the Abbey and reflect and share ideas on the chosen theme, ‘Living the Interior life in a busy world.’


St George Preca feastday

The feast of our SDC Founder St George Preca was marked this year in a number of ways. The main event was the concelebrated mass at the Rosary Parish Brixton on Sunday 12th May which was attended by a good number of friends, parishioners, parents and children from our catechism groups. Around the time of the feast of the Founder we also had extra special sessions for various groups to talk about the life and works of our founder.


Baptisms at Easter

A number of children from the Catechism groups we run at the Rosary Parish, Brixton and the RCIC group at St Andrew’s, Thornton Heath were baptised at the Easter vigil celebration on Saturday 20th April 2019. This is always a moving occasion when children, sometimes together with other members of their family, formally join our Christian communities through the sacrament of Baptism.


SDC Juniors


Our SDC Juniors group continued meeting regularly throughout the year. We regularly meet for our formation and social gatherings at the SDC House and we looked at a range of topics related to our Catholic Faith in many different ways. These gatherings for young people are also naturally a way how to come together to share and enjoy other things - not least, foods from different parts of the world. The star cook this year was Rebecca with her Jallouf Rice which she prepared for everyone before one of our sessions.

Other activities and trips have been organised from time to time. These included for example, day trips to various places in Kent, a trip to Chichester and a couple of Barbeques in July.

Bible Study Group


Our monthly gatherings continued regularly this year. We have been meeting every month on the second Friday for Bible reflection and catechesis. Our focus this year is on ‘People in the Bible’, some of the well known ones such as Abraham and Jonah and other more obscure ones such as Caleb and Achan. New members joined us this year both for our meetings as well for the trips or away days we organised.


Away Days


Our Annual May Reflection day for the SDC Friends group this year was to Worth Abbey, near Crawley in Sussex. For this occasion we were joined by Superior General Natalino Camilleri who also led one of the reflections. The day included a Bible reflection as well as discussions on SDC spiritualy, time for prayer including the Rosary in the quite garden of the Abbey and the celebration of the mass with the Abbey monks and local community. Earlier in March, we also visited the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in East Sussex followed by a visit to Worthing on the South coast.