SDC Activities in London


The captions and images shown below give an idea of activities and special events held at our SDC centre in London. Our main contribution in parishes mainly involves running catechism groups but other activities are held throughout the year for other groups for young people and adults.

Carol Singing

Our traditional annual Carol Singing in Brixton took place on Saturday 23rd December 2023. Children and adults from different catechism groups first gathered in the Parish Hall of the Rosary Parish for an introduction and some initial warm up practice of the carols. We then proceeded to Brixton Centre carrying the statue of Baby Jesus where we sang some carols and handed out flyers about SDC and the real meaning of Christmas. This was also the first time the guitar was used for such event.


Upon our return to the Parish Hall, the First Holy Communion children were presented with our SDC Christmas gifts which this year consisted of either a manger with the Baby Jesus or a nativity set.

Confirmation Groups Christmas Gathering

A meeting for young people in the confirmation groups and their parents was held on Sunday 24th December 2023 in the main hall, Rosary Parish, Brixton. Following readings and reflections about characters in the Nativity story, gifts were presented to those present. These consisted of Nativity sets or statues.


The SDC superior general Roberto Zammit visited our London centre from the 2nd to the 5th November 2023. He was accompanied by member Mario Bezzina from the Ruiru centre (Kenya). While here he joined in the main activities including the catechism sessions in Brixton on Thursday and Saturday as well as the Bible Study group on Friday. On Friday he also visited member Joseph Psaila who is currently in Wembley.

Catechism Groups - Rosary Parish, Brixton

A meeting for parish Catechists was held on Tuesday 19th September to plan for this forthcoming catechetical year 2023-24. John spoke briefly about the general purpose of catechism groups and how through these programmes we aim to continue to pass the gospel message to children and young people as they prepare for First Communion or Confirmation. We also looked at the Year Planners and discussed key dates. Programmes at the Holy Rosary parish then started in the first week of October.

Another Reflection Day


Following our August break, an away day took place on Saturday 23rd September 2023 for members of our Bible Study group. We first went to St Augustine’s Abbey in Chilworth, Surrey where we attended a presentation on the Bible timeline led by one of the monks.


We then visited other parts of the monastery and after lunch we met in the chapel for the Rosary prayer. In the afternoon we then drove to Guildford where we visited the castle grounds and the city centre. We ended the day by taking part at Mass at St Joseph’s parish, Epsom.

Reflection Day


Our Summer term reflection day this year took place on Sunday 25th June 2023. As this was the day following the feast of St John the Baptist, patron saint of our Society, we focused on the life and message of this special saint using one of the Septenary sessions.

The day started with mass at the parish of St John the Baptist in Purley. We then proceeded to St Catherine’s parish in Littlehampton where we stopped for reflection in the parish hall and lunch. On the way we also visited the shrine of Our Lady of Consolation at West Grinstead.

We ended the day with a relaxing walk at Littlehampton harbour before we returned to London.

Feast of St John the Baptist


On the occasion of the feast of St John the Baptist, a special gathering was held at the SDC House in Upper Norwood on Saturday 24th June 2023. Following our reflection on the life of this saint and devotions from the Septenary programme we had a barbecue in the garden which was an opportunity for the young people and some catechists who attended to come together and celebrate the feast of the SDC patron saint.

SDC Friends - Bible Study Group

Our weekly sessions this year resumed in January 2023 and continued to be held in a hybrid way where people can attend in person or join us online via Zoom. As from February 2023, we also started meeting in person at the Holy Rosary Parish in Brixton, to give parishoners there the opporunity to join our group.

The main theme for this year’s Bible sessions is ‘The Bible Timeline’ through which we are looking at one particular era of the Old or New Testaments and key person each month. Among the other topics we regulary cover are the History of the Church, aspects of SDC Spirituality, Lives of Saints, and current affairs.

Holy Week 2023


A number of events were held for different groups to mark this special week in a sprititual way. These included sessions for children in catechism groups and the Bible Study group. A number of children from the RCIC group in Thornton Heath were baptised at the Easter Vigil at St Andrew’s parish on Saturday 8th April.