SDC Activities in London


The captions and images shown below give an idea of activities and special events held at our SDC centre in London. Our main contribution in parishes mainly involves running catechism groups but other activities are held throughout the year for other groups for young people and adults.


The main event in 2024 was a Pilgrimage Trip to Malta. Read all about it here.


The sacrament of Confirmation was administered to 15 candidates at the Rosary Parish, Brixton on Sunday14th July 2024. The ceremony was led by Rev Victor Darlington, Apostolic delegate of the Bishop. After the ceremony he also presented the candidates with their certificates to mark this special occasion. Young people in this group had been getting ready by attending fortnightly sessions over a two year programme which also included other sessions for parents and sponsors.

First Holy Communion - Holy Rosary Parish, Brixton

Two groups of children made their First Holy Communion at the Holy Rosary Parish in Brixton on two consecutive Sundays, 19th and 25th May 2024. This came at the end of a year long programme during which children attended Catechism sessions every Saturday. They had previously also celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time during the Lenten Season.

SDC Juniors Group


The SDC Juniors group met at the SDC house for their first Barbecque for the summer term this year on Saturday 29th June. As this was the day of the Solemnity of St Peter and St Paul, we also gathered to reflect on the life, works and message of these to great Saints and how we can follow on their steps by being apostles ourselves and pass on the message of Christ to others.

Reflection Day


On Sunday 23rd June a reflection away day was held for the SDC Friends group. We went to Minster Abbey, just outside the town of Ramsgate near the Kent coast for a day of reflection which besides the celebration of the mass included a Bible reflection session, time to pray and reflect using readings by the founder and other time of prayer such as the rosary and the Coram Domino.


On our way back to London we also stopped at Whitstable, a small fishing village on the North Kent coast.



A group of 10 children received the sacrament of Baptism at the Holy Rosary Parish in Brixton on Saturday 20th April 2024. Most of the children were from the First communion groups but some were also joined by younger siblings. Baptism preparation sessions were held for this group and their parents during the weeks leading to this special day. The Baptism service was led by Fr Vincent, Parish Priest.

Lent Away Day - SDC Associates Group


The Away Day for the season of Lent this year took place on Sunday 3rd March 2024. We went to Greenwich in South London were we first attended mass at the local parish church and then went to the Dominican sisters’ convent nearby for our Bible reflection, other prayers and lunch. We then visited the Greenwich Centre where among other things we visited the Royal Naval college chapel which has the altar painting in the Sanctuary of the Shipwreck of St Paul in Malta as narrated in the Acts of the Apostles.

Away Day - SDC Associates Group

Our first trip for 2024 took place on Sunday 21st January 2024. We went to Wembley where Joseph Psaila is currently living. We first attended the parish Mass at the parish of St Erkinwald. We then went for a pub lunch in the local area and a short walk along the high street. We finished our visit with the Rosary Prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament befored we drove back to south London.


The ECHO Newsletter

More issues of the ECHO Newsletters continue to be published online and circulated to friends, teachers and catechists. Among the articles featured this year were an article on ‘Evangelisation’, ‘The Year of Prayer’, and ‘The Parish as the Hub for Catechesis’. These termly newsletters also included information about Catechetical resources and SDC activities in London.

SDC Bible Study Group

The SDC Friends / Bible Study Group meetings for the new year 2024 resumed in January. These continued to be held in a hybrid way where people can attend in person or join us online via Zoom. The main theme for this year’s Bible sessions is ‘The Virtues in the Scriptures’, Apart from Bible study and reflection, other topics we regulary cover are the History of the Church, aspects of SDC Spirituality, Lives of Saints, and current affairs.

Online Assignment Meetings


Following previous weekly online meetings with other members in SDC Centres in Europe, In January 2024 new ‘Assignment’ meetings started for SDC members in London, Albania and Poland. In these meetings which take place every Monday evening, members lead presentations on key Assignment areas such as Spirituality, Bible Studies and others.