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The table below provides links to our resources for catechism programmes for the Sacraments of Initiation especially Baptism, Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Such programmes are sometimes referred to as RITE of CHRISTIAN INITATION for CHILDREN (RCIC) but other names for similar groups and programmes are used in many other parishes. These are usually groups of older children and young people of different ages and who are not part of the main First Communion programme of the parish.
The way the Sessions of this programme are organised is aimed for groups of children who prepare for Baptism at the Easter Vigil followed with a few more sessions after Easter and the Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation some time later around May or June. Adjustments may be needed in lesson sequencing if a different pathway is used.
Sometimes children on this programme also prepare for CONFIRMATION. These resources in this section do not include preparation for CONFIRMATION. To view resources and planning for other sessions for Confirmation see the another section of our website by clicking here.
This RCIC programme is made up of 14 sessions. For each unit there are session plans for catechists, a double sided worksheet for children as well as other resources such as flashcards, images and also PowerPoint presentations. As in the case of all other worksheets on our website, paper based resources can be downloaded using Adobe reader. They can be used during the catechism session or completed at home possibly with support from parents.
Although the programme is designed over 14 sessions, catechists may need to make changes to suit their parish needs. Some of the units may need to be organised over two sessions. Our resources could be adapted for a longer or shorter course with fewer or more sessions. Care must be taken however to ensure that all core aspects and objectives are addressed. When drawing up a programme planner with dates and other details, one also needs to plan for dates when the other sacraments are to be celebrated. (Click here for a template of year programme planner). In order to involve the family and keep parents informed about progress and content of the programme parents’ meetings should also be planned for parents at different stages of the programme.
An important aspect of any catechism programme is to make meaningful links with the Liturgical time of the Church’s year. Although Unit 9 is specifically on the Liturgical Year, it is important that throughout the course of the programme regular references are made to special days or Liturgical seasons such as Advent and Lent etc.
Adequate time should also be regularly set apart for those following the programme to learn prayers and how to pray. A separate PRAYER BOOK is available to download here on this site. This could be given to children at the beginning of the programme for them to use both during sessions as well as privately or with the family at home.
For more details and practical points about this programme and being a catechist in general see the Resource Sheet GUIDANCE NOTES FOR CATECHISTS. We welcome your comments and suggestions regarding these and other resources on this website. They will be used as a guide for improvements and future developments. Please write to us on Thank you.
Unit |
Topic |
Session |
Worksheet |
Resources |
1 | Which Way? |
Session Plan | Worksheet 1 | |
2 | We belong |
Session Plan | Worksheet 2 | |
3 | The Church |
Session Plan | Worksheet 3 | |
4 | We Celebrate (1) |
Session Plan | Worksheet 4 | |
5 | We Celebrate (2) |
Session Plan | Worksheet 5 | same as Unit 4 |
6 | The Creed |
Session Plan | Worksheet 6 | |
7 | God's Laws |
Session Plan | Worksheet 7 | |
8 | The Holy Bible |
Session Plan | Worksheet 8 | |
9 | We Celebrate (3) |
Session Plan | Worksheet 9 | |
10 | We Celebrate (4) |
Session Plan | Worksheet 10 | |
11 | We Celebrate (5) |
Session Plan | Worksheet 11 | same as Unit 10 |
12 | Reconciliation |
Session Plan | Worksheet 12 | |
13 | Forgiveness |
Session Plan | Worksheet 13 | |
14 | Programme Review |
Session Plan |
Resource |
Notes |
Catechists' Notes | Brief points and ideas to help the catechist make the best of this Programme. |
Year Planner Template | Sequence of sessions with spaces to insert dates. |
Prayer Book | You can print this prayer book in colour or black and white. |
Parents' Meeting 1 | Coming soon |
Parents' Meeting 2 | Coming soon |
Reconciliation Service | Coming soon |
Reconciliation Certificates | A selection of Reconciliation certificates. |
First Holy Communion Certificates | A selection of First Holy Communion certificates. |
We welcome your help, comments and suggestions regarding these and other resources on this website. They will be used as a guide for improvements and future developments. Please write to us on or fill in the form here.
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