Try to discover what the Lord wants of you, take no part in the futile works of darkness but on the contrary, show them up for what they are.
Ephesians 5:10-11
O Lord, you know me through and through,
And your love for me knows no bounds.
I thank you for creating me the person I am,
And I ask that I may be given the strength
Always to love you and others as you love me.
Lord, I thank you for my sexuality;
I ask you to make it a source of many blessings,
for the ones I love and for me
I ask you to uphold me in your love,
that I may always use my sexuality
as you would have me use it, for commitment and in love.
Help me, O Lord, to be patient and kind with others and with myself;
and help me to give myself fully to you in all the relationships in my life.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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