On Easter Sunday morning St George Preca, Founder of SDC urged the members to think more about Jesus Christ. So they meet and say rounds about who is Jesus Christ. Not that they do not know, but Fr George wanted them to remind themselves about Jesus and so love him more. It is in a form of a dialogue:
Leader: Jesus Christ the Nazarene.
Congregation: Who is Jesus Christ the Nazarene?
Leader: It could not be possible that you do not know who is this Jesus Christ the Nazarene, this great person whose name whisks, whispers, gently but terribly in all corners of the world; this person approved by the Almighty in front of the people through miracles, wonders and signs that through him God worked before the Jewish people and before our forefathers.
Congregation: Yes, we know who this Jesus Christ the Nazarene is; but still we want to enjoy listening more about his greatness, power, virtue, glory and works, his merits, his teachings and examples, because He truly deserves that we know him, love him and serve him. Amen.
Then all those present start to say sentences like these:
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